
Pembahasan Ujian PAI: A40 – No. 6 – Mei 2018

Pembahasan Soal Ujian Profesi Aktuaris

Institusi : Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI)
Mata Ujian : A40 – Akuntansi
Periode Ujian : Mei 2018
Nomor Soal : 6


Memisahkan fungsi yang tidak kompatibel (incompatible functions), antara orang yang membuat suatu program basis data (database) dan orang yang melakukan proses input data merupakan contoh dari salah satu elemen penting dari effective system of accounting control, yaitu

  1. Segregation of duties
  2. Execution of transaction as authorized
  3. Recording of transactions as executed
  4. Safeguarding of assets
  5. Physical comparison of recorded amounts

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  • The segregation of duties provides for the checking of one person’s work against that of another person. An effective system of internal controls may require, for example, that one employeebe responsible for authorizing a transaction, another employee be responsible for recording that transaction, and a third employee be responsible for custody of the assets involved in the transaction.
  • The execution of transactions as authorized is the element of the internal control system that concerns the delegation of authority to perform specified tasks and the communication of that authority.
  • The recording of transaction as executed, which means that a company records its transactions as they occur in the correct accounting period, so that the company can summarize all transactions for that period in its financial statements.
  • The safeguarding of assets is the process of (1) limiting access to officers, documents, and records, (2) storing negotiable documents in vaults to which no person has sole access, (3) maintaining written business disaster recovery plans and off-premises storage of back-up files for all critical records, (4) investigating the integrity of employees hired to fill sensitive positions, (5) counting all assets and comparing this count to a written record, and (6) reviewing the adequacy of insurance coverage, given the company’s risk exposure.
  • The physical comparison of recorded amounts means that a company count its assets, income, and disbursements on a periodic basis and compares this count to the recorded amounts.

Jawaban: a. Segregation of duties      

[1] Mulligan, E. and Stone, G. (1997). Accounting and financial reporting in life and health insurance companies. Atlanta, Ga.: Life Management Institute, LOMA. [/showhide]

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