Pembahasan Ujian PAI: A40 – No. 8 – Agustus 2019

Pembahasan Soal Ujian Profesi Aktuaris

Institusi : Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI)
Mata Ujian : Akuntansi
Periode Ujian : Agustus 2019
Nomor Soal : 8


Manakah berikut ini yang merupakan urutan aktivitas yang benar dalam proses audit internal?

  1. Selection → Function → Process → Verification → Controls → Evaluation → Communication → Close the control loop.
  2. Selection → Function → Process → Verification → Evaluation → Controls → Communication → Close the control loop.
  3. Selection → Function →  Process →  Controls →  Verification →  Evaluation →  Communication →  Close the control loop.
  4. Selection → Function → Process → Verification → Communication → Controls → Evaluation → Close the control loop.
  5. Selection → Function → Process → Controls → Verification → Communication → Evaluation → Close the control loop.

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