
Pembahasan Ujian PAI: A40 – No. 2 – Maret 2015

Pembahasan Soal Ujian Profesi Aktuaris

Institusi : Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI)
Mata Ujian : Akuntansi
Periode Ujian : Maret 2015
Nomor Soal : 2


Di bawah ini apa yang bukan merupakan sumber dokumen untuk melakukan pencatatan akuntansi:

  1. Kuitansi
  2. Dokumen Klaim
  3. Rekening Bank
  4. Kontrak Kepegawaian
[showhide type more_text=”Kunci Jawaban & Pembahasan” less_text=”Sembunyikan Kunci Jawaban & Pembahasan”]

Source documents verify that a business transaction occurred, by providing details of the transaction, such as the date and conditions of the transaction, such as the date and conditions of the transaction, and two approved the transaction. Example of source documents include[1]

  • Checks
  • Receipt
  • Invoices
  • Purchase orders
  • Confirmations of investment purchase and sales
  • Premium notices
  • Employee time sheets or time cards
  • Policy surrender forms
  • Claim forms
  • Bank statements
  • Approved policy applications

Jawaban: d. Kontrak Kepegawaian

[1] Mulligan, E. and Stone, G. (1997). Accounting and financial reporting in life and health insurance companies. Atlanta, Ga.: Life Management Institute, LOMA.


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