
Pembahasan Ujian PAI: A50 – No. 8 – November 2016

Pembahasan Soal Ujian Profesi Aktuaris

Institusi : Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI)
Mata Ujian : Metoda Statistika
Periode Ujian : November 2016
Nomor Soal : 8


Diketahui force of mortality

\({\mu _X} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {0.01,\_untuk\_0 < x \le 30}\\ {0.02,\_untuk\_x > 30{\rm{ }}} \end{array}} \right.{\rm{ }}\)

Hitunglah \(_{20}{P_{20}}\)

  1. 0,05
  2. 0,238
  3. 0,568
  4. 0,741
  5. 0,867
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Diketahui \({\mu _X} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {0.01,\_untuk\_0 < x \le 30}\\ {0.02,\_untuk\_x > 30{\rm{ }}} \end{array}} \right.{\rm{ }}\)
Rumus yang digunakan \(_n{P_x} = \exp ( – \int\limits_x^{x + n} {{\mu _x}} dx)\)
Proses pengerjaan \(_{20}{P_{20}} = \exp ( – \int\limits_{20}^{40} {{\mu _x}{\rm{ }}} dx)\) \(= \exp ( – (\int\limits_{20}^{30} {{\mu _x}{\rm{ }}} dx + \int\limits_{30}^{40} {{\mu _x}{\rm{ }}} dx)\) \(= \exp ( – (\int\limits_{20}^{30} {0.01{\rm{ }}} dx + \int\limits_{30}^{40} {{\rm{0}}{\rm{.02 }}} dx)\) \(= 0.74082\) \(= 0.741\)
Jawaban d. 0,741

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