
Pembahasan Ujian PAI: A50 – No. 20 – Mei 2018

Pembahasan Soal Ujian Profesi Aktuaris

Institusi : Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI)
Mata Ujian : Metoda Statistika
Periode Ujian : Mei 2018
Nomor Soal : 20


Diketahui suatu proses autoregressive-moving average ARMA (1,1)

\({y_t} = 0.9{y_{t – 1}} + 2 + {\varepsilon _t} – 0.2{\varepsilon _{t – 1}}\)

Hitunglah nilai \({\rho _2}\)

  1. 0,72
  2. 0,74
  3. 0,76
  4. 0,78
  5. 0,80
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Diketahui ARMA (1,1)
\({y_t} = 0.9{y_{t – 1}} + 2 + {\varepsilon _t} – 0.2{\varepsilon _{t – 1}}{\rm{ (*)}}\) dari (*) diperoleh
\(\mu = 2,{\rm{ }}\phi = 0.9,{\rm{ }}\theta = – 0.2\)
Rumus yang digunakan \({\rho _x}(h) = \phi {\rho _x}(h – 1)\) \({\rho _x}(1) = \frac{{(\theta + \phi )(1 + \theta \phi )}}{{1 + 2\theta \phi + {\theta ^2}}}\) \({\rho _x}(0) = 1\)
Proses pengerjaan \({\rho _x}(h) = \phi {\rho _x}(h – 1)\) \({\rho _x}(2) = \phi {\rho _x}(2 – 1) = \phi {\rho _x}(1)\) Sehingga,

\({\rho _x}(2) = \phi (\frac{{(\theta + \phi )(1 + \theta \phi )}}{{1 + 2\theta \phi + {\theta ^2}}})\) \(= (0.9)(\frac{{( – 0.2 + 0.9) + (1 + ( – 0.2)(0.9)}}{{1 + 2( – 0.2)(0.9) + {{( – 0.2)}^2}}})\) \(= 0.759\) \(= 0.76\)
Jawaban c. 0,76

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